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Grateful, would be an understatement

Disclaimer: This is something which I wanted to be put out to people and I am not sure how many of them would genuinely care to open the notification and read it but here you go.

PS: It took a lot of courage to write. Please be gentle.

The little part in me would always jump out of nowhere and would like to scream on the top of her lungs whenever a literary piece, so great as this one would end up being on my reading shelf.

I had never imagined that I would be able to finish off a "non-thriller" book this fast and it makes my heart ache a little bit knowing about how many people are there who have not yet immersed themselves in the literary pleasure.

Though I might wander off the topic and introduce you to something that is vaguely related but it is what caused me to write about my feelings in the middle of a week.

Last night, as I conversed with one of my colleagues, I realised that how the world is not about something you love rather it is about how people perceive you. It is about how well you are able to push others off the cliff and stand there and roar in sheer power. The very fact that all people care is their image in the society and how well they are in proving their mettle. I don't blame them for who they are and at the end I would definitely hear it from someone that, "Ishita, if you don't prove yourself / if you don't perform how the society expects you to then you are doomed!"

Now, returning to what I was about to write in the first place.. We get caught up in the whirlwinds of life so much so that often we fail to realise the very essence of it. The betrayal, the pomp and show, the ability to deceive and live in deception is all what we care in the end. Often failing to realise that the stakes are too high. This book, The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo, which I had picked up casually on one lazy summer afternoon turned out to be one of my greatest reads of this summer.

Failing relationships, greed and hunger for power and the utter want for supremacy has often led us to the glitz and glamour of the much coveted future devoid of happiness. As I write it here, vulnerability requires courage and it is rightly said that with great power comes great responsibility. I often find myself being very vulnerable but it requires a great deal of courage as well to hand it over in the right hands.

I often find myself rummaging for the right people in my life, to find the tribe that accepts me for who I am, or the people who stick with me even though I have nothing in return. Often I get baffled at the very thought that how people of my age can act so professionally and in a calculated fashion and here I am brooding over the way they had treated me in the past and are now at my doorsteps for their favour. But, I feel this is what makes me, "me".

Though anybody who is in their 50-60s might say that, "Kid, you have a long way to go and your hands are about to get a lot more nasty by the time you are old enough to say life isn't a bed of roses and societal acceptance is the key to a healthy and sound life." Still that wouldn't change the very fact that how I felt and how void I was when I needed someone to console me.

This book has beautifully unfolded the truth of life. It feels as if the whole essence was just written in plain text even before you started reading it however you were too ignorant to address it. After a very long time I felt that I read something so meaningful, so absorbent that I temporarily forgot my surroundings. Though I am in no position to advice someone to do something but I would definitely urge everyone to take their time out and give it a read.

This piece of literature left me craving for more and made me bleed the pages with my pink highlighter. I am grateful that I have got the time and opportunity to read this book and to once again consolidate my thoughts on my vulnerability.

This book made me feel that in a world full of pretences where every being is in a race to prove themselves in whatever way they could... Be it societal acceptance or uttering the latest trends or following a clan just to fit in, there are people who later realise and chase the real dopamine.

To Evelyn Hugo, Cheers!

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