Lonely Lows
Beyond all the odds and blues,
There's always a gratifying glee and a home-like hue!
Beyond all those inky clouds,
There's always a pristine azure!
Those highs ain't high enough to stay in solitude
Instead, these are the literal "lows" buried deep inside us!
These are the treasures firmly secured with bizarre human insecurities!
Inadequacy, incompetence, sense of appreciation...
Once we crack these constraints,
We are on the highest of these lows.
Sometimes, all we need is to unleash our inner selves!
Sometimes, all we need is to stop chasing the peaks but accompany the lonely lows!
As what remain untouched are not those sky-rocketed dreams,
But the deep, despairing, and deserted dispositions.
Would you still call them "lows"?
A point to introspect!