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Third kind of people

12:43PM 26th October surging through the vast collection of movies and came across a masterpiece of 2006 by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra. A film that has largely changed my perspective over decisions that we make, about our friendships and relationships and most importantly how a person should deal with his/her virtue of righteousness.

Rang De Basanti was suggested to me by my friends a long time ago and this movie could not have surprised me more. A twist that was just, so surprising didn’t let me slip myself off the seat even for a second. The movie starts from Sue Mckinley who wants to create a short film on Bhagat Singh’s revolt against British Rule. When Sue selects a few students to portray various Indian Freedom Fighters in her film unknowingly awakens patriotism in them. The movie takes quick spin and turns a mirror onto the reality of ourselves. A very serious set of questions are raised thereafter on our own Independence. Have we achieved freedom or all of the sacrifices are in vain? Are we just in the modern era of slavery and dictatorship?

The movie is so clear with its message yet so confusing in a very subtle manner of its own. It targets us(the audience) with the very mentality of not questioning and being indifferent to our situation and being so coward to not ever raise a finger.

I ask the readers is it the bully or the person being bullied? Do we actually ever make choices or these are forced upon us by the system? The movie has shown a prime example of the powerful, bullying the weak in the real world and also raises an awareness to look around and actually feel it.

The movie in short goes as a group of friends( DJ, Karan, Sukhi, Ashfaqullah, Laxman) demand justice for their friend Flight Lt Ajay(martyr). The movie shows how the system that itself holds law and media suppresses their demand and makes them back off in a brutal manner. This results into a twist where they take a major step in search of their justice. But instead of justice to their friend they were proclaimed as terrorists and this shows how could one win against the system when the very culprit is the system. Are there any checks over these? But maybe we are all very well aware of the harsh truth that it happens because we all have let it happen in some way to ourselves, our parents, children and everyone around us.

Rang De Basanti shows that a person should stand up for himself and ask for his rights.(though I do not agree with the act performed in the movie)

No system is ever perfect, it is always the people who make it perfect. The system is just the reflection of the people themselves, those who stand in power are the one’s being chosen and if we are not that aware whom to choose we should not be the one to complain as well. It is just a few decisions away and all it takes is some courage to do so. The courage to step out from the comfort zone of complaining and actually doing something towards the problem.

According to me the THIRD KIND OF PEOPLE are those who have the gut to actually stand up from their comfort and actually make a change, an actual difference.

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